Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ironman Canada - 6 weeks out

IMC: 6 weeks to go (June 15-21)
Challenge: 6 weeks to go (July 7-13)
Total training hours
4:29 / 10,166m
3:44 / 8798m
5:37 / 146 km
5:38 / 149.2 km
2:36 / 23.5 km
3:24 / 31.1 km                
Strength training


SBR Total

6 weeks pre-IMC and 6 weeks pre-Challenge are looking pretty comparable – both overall and on the bike, with variation in time spent swimming vs running. And I can explain.

Monday of this week was my birthday. And a few years ago, I started a tradition of doing something to challenge myself on that day – something that was both a physical challenge and just a little bit awful. In 2013, I went to the Grouse Grind in time for the gate opening, just 6 days after posting a new PB (51 minutes), getting under an hour for the first time and vowing never to do it again. I motored my way up, passed by only a few people, reaching the top in 48 minutes. Celebrated with a coffee & a view, then took the gondola down. In 2014, I swam 2 loops of Sasamat – which took me so close to 5 km that I extended and swam a little extra. A Happy Birthday biggest swim ever. Until this year. This year’s birthday challenge: Kits Pool x my age. For those not in the know, Kits Pool is 137m long. And I’m not 27. I was a Kits Pool virgin going in… 2 hours and 40 minutes, and 6165m later… New biggest swim ever. Challenge met. 

And this year, the bright side to getting older is that it brought me 10 minutes closer to Boston, without ever having to step foot on the track. Silver linings.

And the rest of the week?

Week 6:
The Birthday Challenge: 6165m swim
Rest… first one in 3 weeks. Ahhhh, gratefully respected.
1700m swim before work
41 km ride with a wee TT effort mid-ride
13.9 km PRM group run
A second rest day… and fine with that!
2.3 km open water swim
9.6 km trail run post swim
105 km ride

So as I write this, we’re into “5 weeks out” training… 4 weeks and 5 days right now. 4 WEEKS AND 5 DAYS. I’m in a light week because of the Scotia Half this weekend and find myself often feeling anxious about how close the race is, how close the taper is. Given my light week for the race, I think I’m left with just 2 big rides… Yikes.

Ending my reminiscing of this past week... if I could mention the Sugoi Warehouse Sale. A tradition every fall/winter... standing in line for hours on opening day. After the first year I went, I started taking the afternoon off work just to get in early... but often returning again later in the weekend ...just in case I missed a deal. I've got drawers stuffed full of Sugoi Warehouse Sale purchases. Really, that first year I went to the sale, I was nearing the end of my giant weight loss and the Sugoi sale helped me purchase a whole fitness wardrobe in my new smaller size. It was a Godsend. (Losing big weight gets really expensive... everything needs to be replaced. EVERYTHING.) But Sugoi is relocating their warehouse Stateside (or so the rumour goes), and this surprise summer warehouse sale was the last ever. I didn't really need anything but I had to go... Added a few more Sugoi pieces, and a lot more pink, to my collection... Cheers Sugoi Warehouse Sales. It's been fun.

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